This low cost business can give you the income you want and the work-life balance you deserve.
If you're a business-minded entrepreneur, ready to give yourself personal freedom, let's connect and discuss the opportunities at Young Rembrandts!
Curriculum Support
Young Rembrandts has extensive curriculum that is unique and proprietary. YR provides hands on instruction to franchisees and online teacher training tools for the life of your business.
Technology Training
With a focus on user-friendly web based tools, we offer our franchise system training and support in all tasks that help operate an efficient business.
Marketing Help
You're not alone in marketing your new business. YR Franchisees enjoy the benefits of specialized coaching and support in social marketing, sales and materials for all point of sales.
“After spending 25 years in the corporate world to running my own business, I couldn’t be happier. I start every day with a sense of joy knowing that I have the ability to positively impact children by helping them grow creatively through Young Rembrandts."
Don E.
"I own a Young Rembrandts franchise and just celebrated my anniversary! I love knowing that I'm making a meaningful contribution to my community and to the children in my community."
Cathy G.
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